HomeLifestyleHow To Set Personal Goals Effectively in 2023 for Achievements

How To Set Personal Goals Effectively in 2023 for Achievements

Starting the next year by setting a new year goal will help you spend the year to its fullest. So, is there anything you want to achieve in 2023? If there is, what is it?

As we go along in our life, we desire ways to better ourselves. Continuously working to develop ourselves better and practicing setting goals helps us to become better people.

At times, people get most inspired to make improvements by setting New Year’s resolutions. For many, it is the phenomenon of starting a fresh start effect. The most important element of personal development is to create short and long-term goals.

Why Set New Year Goals? What Are the Benefits of Setting Goals?

There is an article in Positive Psychology that provides comprehensive detail regarding the research showing how setting goals can help someone. Some of the benefits they included were:

  • It motivates you and helps you to develop strategies for success
  • Increases your performance
  • It gives you the satisfaction of achieving a goal.

Here are 105 goals and ideas; you should set for yourself for the New Year.

Personal Growth Goals

  1. Learn Continuously

Technology has made it easy for us to get into the information and resources world with a simple click of a button. You should be curious and obtain knowledge of everything that you find interesting.

Learning is what helps us to grow. We are most likely to flourish through such growth. Moreover, According to research, lifelong learning helps keep our brain functioning to its best.

  1. Set and Follow a Regular Exercise Routine

Energy is the best element of life’s success. You need the energy to do everything you need to do. You can boost your mood and prevent yourself from having conditions that affect your energy by exercising regularly.

To do everything as best as you can, you have to feel your best. It gets recommended you get 75-150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week. You could do 15 minutes of vigorous exercise each day five times a week to achieve the goal.

  1. Become the Best Listener

Do you know what trait helps people have good relationships in their life? It’s being good listeners, as it makes it more effective for them to communicate with people.

Listening to someone’s shows or via live music streaming you actually care about them. Moreover, others appreciate you more. So, why not work on your active listening?

  1. Drink Sufficient Water

Water not only keeps you hydrated but also impacts your energy levels and maximizes all your physical undertakings, as per the Healthline reports. Therefore, drinking sufficient water according to your weight should be your goal. You can use a good app to remind you to drink water during the day.

  1. Eat Healthily

Unhealthy and fast food impacts our energy and makes us become low emotionally. On the other hand, healthy foods like vegetables and fruits give us the energy we need and make us well emotionally. Therefore, make it your goal to work on eating healthily in the coming year.

  1. Better sleep

You need a full night’s sleep or rest to have the energy to not only start your day but to go through it. Set it your goal to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

  1. Spend More Time in Nature

Spending time in nature provides you with many benefits, from clearing your mind and keeping you calm to helping you view your life clearly. Try to make it your goal to spend time in nature, even if it’s once a week.

  1. Speak Up For Yourself

Life pushes many things toward you. You have to learn to speak up for yourself when needed and not let others define you. When you speak up for yourself, people will not take advantage of you, and you become visible to people around you, making you get great opportunities.

  1. Wake Up Early in the Morning

You might have heard, “The wealthy get up early.” We are not sure if it’s true or not, but it would be a wise thing to do so.

When you wake up early, you get more time to be with yourself and be more productive. Studies show people who sleep early and wake up early enhance their memory power and concentration.

  1. Let Go of the Past

The more you dwell on your past, the lesser time you spend on your present, making you possibly miss an opportunity coming your way. At times, the best option for you would be to talk to a professional if you are having a hard time letting go of your past. Forget yesterday and focus on today!

  1. More Travel

It can be a great idea to explore and visit various places and people to challenge yourself and what your idea of life is. After every few months or so, you should travel to a place where you have not been before. According to research, it has gotten proven that one becomes happier when they travel.

  1. Become more Creative

Innovation and creativity are great ways for you to release powerful emotions and give you a feeling of personal satisfaction.

  1. Be More Compassionate

You have to be compassionate to yourself before anything, as it helps you manage all the difficulties of your life.

Moreover, when you practice compassion for others, it makes you become more helpful to others. When you acknowledge everyone is going through something, even if you do not see it, it will help you become less angry quickly.

  1. Develop Perseverance

You can achieve goals or other crucial things with the assistance of your capability to push through and face various difficult challenges and circumstances. By learning about perseverance and enhancing it to turn it into your strongest personal strength.

  1. Put Your Health First

You will enjoy nothing no matter how good of a relationship you have or the amount of money you have if you do not feel good mentally or physically. The number one priority for the New Year for you to enjoy your life is to take care of your mental and physical health.

You should consider and follow the below four health pillars to take good care of yourself:

  • Eat Healthily
  • Regularly Exercise
  • Sleep and Rest well
  • Socializing

Personal Financial Goals

  1. Save More

An objective you should always have to strive and achieve is savings. Learn to save money whenever you can and however you can.

  1. Restricting Unnecessary Expenses

The most important element in saving is restricting unnecessary expenses. Go over your whole budget and view where you can make cuts you do not need.

  1. Pay off Debt

Experience more freedom when it comes to your financial situation by getting rid of your debt as much of it as you can, or if possible, all of it. Once you’re free from all debt, you can spend your money on anything without worrying.

  1. Invest

For many, “investing” sounds scary. However, there is so much change and information to help you invest in the best possible way. A challenging financial start can be to learn and contact financial advisors on how you can start investing the right way.

  1. Start a Business

Most entrepreneurs go through various difficulties and errors before deciding they have had enough of wasting their time working under someone else. You can make it your goal to start the business you always wanted by planning it or starting the home career you always wanted.

  1. Build Good Credit

Good credit allows you to get great credit cards or get a loan for your business or even home. In simpler words, you get more financial options when you work towards building good credit. You can build good credit by doing small but important things like:

  • Ensuring you do not miss a payment
  • Obtaining a secured card
  • Catching up on any past accounts
  1. Set and Follow a Budget

Establishing a budget assists you in ensuring you do not overspend. Moreover, it helps you manage your monthly finances and make any modifications you would need to help you get through the month without a problem and save money.

  1. Start Building Multiple Income Sources

The best way to get more financial freedom throughout your life is by creating various passive income sources. Furthermore, it’s also the best way to control all your finances, especially if you cannot work for some time, for whatever reason.

  1. Set an Emergency Fund

Another way you can obtain financial security throughout your life is by creating an emergency fund. You can look for ways on how you can create an emergency fund for your rainy days.

  1. Buy a House

Who would not want a house of their own? Why not make it a goal to make it happen this year? It is hard, and if you cannot make it happen this year, why not get on the path to make it happen? You can start with a few tips, like:

  • Consider what your home budget is
  • Start saving early
  • Check and better your credit score

Start of 2023 to get on the track to getting a house of your own!

  1. Start Retirement saving

You can be just starting your career, or at the career peak, and you need to save for your retirement. The best time to start your retirement savings is as early as possible. If you do, you can enjoy your golden years, without financial worries.

Personal Work Goals

  1. Be More Proactive & Less Reactive

The more proactive you are, the more influencing choices you make for your reality. If not, you will allow the external conditions to impact you. Therefore, try taking more action in your life.

  1. Share Knowledge

Help others by sharing the knowledge you have. For example, help your co-workers, and they will become more appreciative when you help them by providing the knowledge you have. When you help them, they help you more in the future, if you ever need it.

  1. Resolve Conflicts

Yes, you would not want to be the person who settles every conflict. However, you can be someone you can help ease any tension you can, getting you more respected in return. The calmer voice you have, the better chance you have at helping to get others cooler.

  1. Enhance Your People Skills

When you work with others, you have to learn how to get along with various people. The more likable and easy to talk to you are, the more people will be comfortable in uniting with you, especially if you ever need them for your success.

No matter what job you do, they mostly need you to work well with others. Therefore follow a few tips to help you improve your people skills:

  • Establish friendly relationships (especially with your colleagues)
  • Help those you see struggling
  • Be approachable
  1. Practice Time Management

When you better your time management, you get more work done, which means you do not have to put in overtime.

This goal can be extremely helpful especially if you work from home and find yourself more distracted.

In time management, you set time for various tasks, in which you do not get distracted or do any non-work-related thing like social media. The more active you are with your time, the more helpful it will be for you as you will get your work done more efficiently, overall making your boss more impressed by you.

  1. Gain More Work Experience

Always remember, every job in your life is an opportunity for you to obtain new experiences, overall preparing for your future career prospects. Work on various tasks the company offers to gain more work experience.

  1. Gain New Skills

Just like building more work experience, you also have to gain new skills to enhance your professional resume. You can do that by attending various workshops or events your company has to help their employees build their skill set.

  1. Appreciate Your Work

Never get down by comparing your work with what others have done. Always appreciate your professional journey progress and have faith and trust in yourself that you will get the position you want one day or another.

  1. Keep Balance in Your Work and Personal Life

It is good to work as hard as you can. However, you should not let your work take over your personal life also. Your work and life should get balanced. You have to make time for the people who love you and for your passion.

Follow a few things, like:

  • Set specific times or days when you concentrate only on your family and do not even respond to your work e-mails.
  • Avoid working late or putting in the extra hours to complete tasks when it’s not necessary.

Work on smaller things to find the balance you can to work and have fun and spend time with your loved ones.

  1. Go to Work Early

Make it your goal to get up early and go or work as early as you can on a daily basis. I believe the earlier we begin our work, the more productive we actually will be through the day.

You should observe you much work you can get done by waking up early and seeing how much you can accomplish.

  1. Speak Up in Meetings

Make it your goal to speak up at meets to open more work opportunities for yourself. If you happen to work in an office setting, where they have regular meetings, you should try to contribute as much as you can to give your insight as much as you can.

You might give insight that could potentially impress the management and might even be the step to getting you the promotion you deserve. Moreover, you can use it as a method to increase your communication skills and overall self-confidence.

  1. Volunteer for Leadership Roles

Are you one of those people who never offer to volunteer for roles, especially leadership roles? It can be scary to put yourself in a management position.

However, you can argue this goal is the best one for a work setting because when you take on leadership roles, you exercise your confidence. You get the chance to practice command and develop your decision-making skills as your decisions will be the final ones.

You learn various leadership skills that can help you when you get into a management promotion, or when you decide to start your own business.

  1. Put in Extra Effort

Some employees work exactly at the work time and leave as soon as the work time is over. This can work for many, but showing extra effort at times can help you impress your management.

Let us say, it doesn’t; it will help you enhance your work ethic. No matter what your job is, you need to have a good work ethic to help you better your career.

  1. Become a problem solver

At times, you will face situations at your workplace that you didn’t plan for. These possibilities help you enhance your problem-solving skills.

When you find a solution to problems, you let management know you and give them more confidence in you as their employee. It can open doors to your freedom of becoming more in control of your work.

  1. Be grateful for Your Job

Be grateful for your job, as it helps you to avoid having a bad work attitude at your workplace. If you have a bad attitude, your colleagues will not offer you help when you require it or make a good impression on your management. Moreover, you enhance your happiness with gratitude.

  1. Improve your Networking Abilities

You can obtain invaluable data regarding your industry and build professional contacts by networking. Such contacts help you possibly open doors to various career opportunities.

  1. Intern at a Large Company

If you are starting out a career, you should try interning with a large company to help you gain experience, and it will look great on your resume. There are many large companies you can apply to.

  1. Become an expert within your field

You should do whatever it takes, including gaining knowledge or experience, to become an expert in your field. It will help you gain more opportunities and get overall more income. Once you become an expert, carry out media interviews or seminars to become your industry’s authority. It seems daunting, but it can be worth it.

  1. Ask for a Pay Raise When You Want One

If you happen to work with your company for a long time and can provide them value, you should not be scared to ask for a raise. You should be comfortable in asking for a raise, and if you do not know what you should ask for. You can look into the market rates of what someone in your position would get paid.

Personal Relationship Goals

  1. Stop Procrastinating

We face negativity in various ways dues to procrastination. One of which includes adding unnecessary stress to our life. Therefore, do the best you can to get your tasks done as soon as you possibly can.

  1. Become Better at Reading Body Language

Words are what we use, and they say a lot about someone. However, it is not only words that matter. The way we carry ourselves also says a lot about us. The more you learn about body language, the better you understand people.

  1. Make Shared Decisions

A relationship has more unity when the people involved have an equal say in the decisions you both are going to make. When it comes to decision-making with your family or partner, ensure its shares. Practice making shared decisions.

  1. Forgive & Forget

Mistakes are inevitable. People make mistakes, but the faster you forgive them, the faster you move forward and try to better the whole situation. Therefore, forgive, forget, and move on.

  1. Be There for Family & Friends

Ensure you are always there for your family and friends, no matter if it’s good times or bad times. When you are there for your loved ones, you can build a strong relationship and let them know that they can rely on you.

  1. Prioritize People

Always put your loved ones or the people close to your first in your life.  Look for ways to give them time and attention as soon as you can by prioritizing them.

  1. Holiday More Together

The best way to relax and reset your relationships with your family, friends, or love partner is to go on holiday together. Look for time off you can take from work to be with the people you love.

  1. Care for Their Mental and Physical Health

Do everything in your power to help the people you care about with their mental and physical well-being. Encourage and motivate them to live healthily by eating better and exercising regularly.

  1. Set a Close Circle

We all need people we can rely on and know they will be there for us. However, if you do not have anyone like that, you can now try to find someone who can be close to you by hanging out with various people and going out.

In a study, it got proved by Harvard that close relationships strongly connect with how long someone loves and has overall satisfaction. It can be a close family, friend, or partner with whom you can enjoy life.

  1. Keep in Touch with Family (Relatives)

It can be easy for us to get busy in our work or personal life that we overlook how important it is to keep up with our family.  Therefore, pick up your phone, even if it’s once a week, to check on your family or other relatives.

  1. Ensure your Significant Other Feels Appreciated

At times, without even knowing, we can take our significant other for granted. Therefore, you should try the best you can to ensure your partner feels appreciated. Consistently tanks them for what they bring and do for you.

  1. Communicate with Someone Regarding Your Issues

Most of the time, we keep many things bottled up inside us, more than we should. When you keep adding to it, you spill it on someone, creating an avoidable mess.

You should speak about your problems with someone, and let your feelings out. Doing so will help you resolve faster and help you create fewer problems.

  1. Take Time Out For Yourself

The most important relationship you have to work with is yourself. You need to take time to be alone and enjoy time with yourself. Find time to be with yourself.

Personal Life Goals

  1. Reduce Stress

Find ways how you can reduce the stress amount in your life. You can look for various life aspects where you can lower stress levels and manage them better.

  1. Re-evaluate Your Life

At times you need to keep checking in with yourself and evaluate whether you are happy with where your life is and where it is going. If you are not, you can think of ways to make adjustments to fulfill your personal objectives.

  1. Raise Your Standards

It is important to always strive to achieve the best goals you have in your life. You should never settle for anything less than what you deserve and always have a high-level standard.

  1. Fulfill Life-Long Dreams

Everyone has one dream or another. We all have something we want like maybe you want to travel to a place, try something new, start a business, and so on. Dreams are fun to pursue and can be extremely fulfilling once you achieve even one.

  1. Learn To Love Yourself

You should have a love for yourself. It is a long process, but you should love yourself. You should always be supportive and nurturing when it comes to yourself. When you love yourself, it helps you bring more love and kindness within you, making you more loving to others.

  1. Focus on the Present

Practice being more focused and present on the here and now, as much as you can. You should remember, the past is gone and the future is to get determined yet, so why stress yourself?

  1. Enhance Your Inner-Calm

The one sign of truthful inner growth is when one learns not to react negatively when something bad happens in your life. You need to enhance your inner calm. You can do that by meditating, doing yoga, and trying other calming methods.

  1. Accepting Your flaws

The life fact is no one, absolutely, no one is perfect. You should always try to accept your flaw and always appreciate yourself. Moreover, remember the positive qualities you have.

  1. Believe in Yourself

You can never achieve anything in your life when you don’t believe in yourself. Look at what you have become, and the fact is it says something about who you are as a person. You should believe in yourself that you can reach further and reach high success levels.

  1. Stay Calm Regarding Your Future

No matter how old you are, you have to remain calm about your future as it is something you do not know, so why worry about it? As you live on, you begin realizing that the future is not as scary as it seems. Life always works out in the end. You should ensure you do enough today and see what the future holds for you.

  1. Become More Comfortable in Your Skin

Everyone wants to feel comfortable and confident in their skin and who they are. You can achieve this by practicing being yourself and not caring or worrying about what others think about you.

As you get older, it gets easier. As you live, you begin to realize it does not matter what people think about you. Be comfortable in your own skin and see what happens.

  1. Do Challenging Activities

We all need challenging activities once in a while in our life. Such activities help us to see what we are capable of doing in our life.

Consider new activities that you might be uncertain about or uncomfortable with to see what happens. Moreover, it will build your confidence and help you get rid of fears.

Personal Student Goals

  1. Do Homework/Assignments Early or On Time

You do not have to start your homework as soon as you get it or as soon as you go home. Because let us be honest, who would not want a break from schoolwork?

Who in the right mind would want to not relax after schoolwork? You can relax, finish your break, and after that start on your homework or essay.

Never procrastinate when it comes to your homework. Never leave it to the last day to get it done. You can let the stress go by setting a routine and getting your homework done early or on time, so you have fewer things to worry about.

  1. Study Daily

You should make it your personal habit to study regularly. When you do that, you get information piece by piece in your head and ensure you remember it when it’s your time to take exams. The more you study and go over everything, the more it stays in your mind and the more useful it will be when you need it.

  1. Become Friends with Classmates

When you make friends, you will find that taking classes becomes easier and you can study with someone. Yes, it is not easy to put yourself out there, but believe it or not, people will be more conversational with strangers than one would expect.

When you make friends throughout your school life, you develop social skills, and you have someone you can understand what you are working on. It can be a good idea to make friends.

  1. Communicate with Your Teachers

You will benefit more if you spend more time with your teachers and communicate with them. They can provide you with help and lessons when you struggle with something.

Moreover, you can discuss your goals with them, and they can help you achieve them and get to know of opportunities that can help you achieve them. Keeping in communication with your teacher can be a helpful thing for you.

  1. Take Part in Various School Activities

It can be a good idea to take extracurricular activities because it helps you to learn new things and meet new people. It is a good way to impress future schools you would want to go to or jobs you apply to.

  1. Ask and Answer Questions When in Class

Another method to help you build confidence and better your class taking is by asking questions and answering them as much as you can in your class. Never be scared to raise your hand and participate in your class.

  1. Earn Extra Credit Where You can

It is always a good idea to do extra credit assignments to work on your hard-working skills. It helps you to show yourself how hard you can work and doing extra helps you to build up your stamina when it comes to your work.

Personal Triumph Goals

Life is not an easy thing to go through. We all face various difficulties at various times in our life. Such situations can limit you for a period of time. However, sometimes, during a problem, it helps you identify the clearer path you want to achieve in your life.

The more you think and reflect, the more chance you have at pursuing new opportunities. You should look at where you are today and start making the right decisions to ensure all your desires come true. Here are a few personal success goals you should think about for this New Year.

  1. Move to a New Area

You can save up to move to a new country or city that you have been thinking about for a long time to face new opportunities and start fresh overall.

  1. Go Back to School

Have you come to the realization that the degree you got is not helping you further your career? If yes, you can go back to school and do the coursework you require to help you in your career.

  1. Overall Make Better Choices

When we face struggles, it can at a time lead us to question the choices we have made to get us to the point where we are. Therefore, inspire yourself to make better choices moving forward.

  1. Inspire Others

Live a life that would inspire others.  Become a person that does everything based on their own terms. Handle things with adversity, honesty, and dignity, and treat people with kindness to enjoy your life as much as you can.

  1. Get Muscular or Gain Six-Pack abs

Have you ever thought about getting muscular or getting six-pack abs? Why not try it now? Begin with eating what will help you and joining a gym or hiring a trainer to help you get the muscular body or the six-pack abs you want.

  1. Get Your Dream Car

Is there a car you have always dreamt of having? You can start saving up and work yourself to get the fancy or classic car or bike you have always dreamt of having.

  1. So something Adventurous

Do something exciting, and daring, like skydiving, bungee jumping, or so on. It can be extremely achieving to do something adventurous, something new, and something you have never done.

  1. Learn Your Ancestry

Maybe the people before us make us who we are. You could take a DNA test or a family tree to learn as much as you can about your roots and help you discover who you actually are.

  1. Go to Your Favorite Artist’s Concert

It would be a great thrill to see the musical artist your love and whose music helped you throughout your life. If you happen to see them touring or having concerts near you, why not buy a ticket and experience something you might never forget?

  1. Share Your Story

Everyone has a story to tell. It can be a story about success, overall life, failure, loss, and triumph.

You telling your story to someone can help you face the challenges you are facing. You can choose to write a book, give a speech or share it with someone who might benefit from it.

  1. List Everything You Hope Achieve In Your Life

Listing various things helps you to get more ideas. There are probably many things you can think of that you would want to do someday. Therefore, sit and reflect on your deepest desires and make it your mission to experience everything you have listed.

  1. Be as Happy as You Can

This goal can have various means for different people. However, the whole goal is to make the best version of yourself and be the happiest you can be.

  1. Think Before You Speak

Thinking before you speak can help you to avoid possible conflicts. You should be careful and conscious of the words you use and the things you say. It is better to keep quiet rather than say something hurtful.

  1. Express Feelings in Appropriate Ways

Expressing your feelings and emotions is extremely important. You should learn the suitable and appropriate ways you can express your emotions and feelings in a rational way to make your life easy.

  1. Understand and Know Your Emotions

Always stop and think about what you feel. You also have to recognize and understand what you are feeling and accept it.

  1. Be Aware of Other People’s Emotions

Always be aware of the emotions of other people around you as it will help you interact with them in a better way. Practice identifying how people are feeling when interacting with them to ensure you are not disrespectful to them.

  1. Connect with People More

Believe it or not, but nowadays, connecting with others has become the most important thing ever. Make connections with the people around you, whenever you can.

  1. Do Things More Meaningful For You

Do the things you find meaningful to you. If you consider music to be meaningful, then enjoy it. It is a way to fulfill your life.

  1. Overcome Any Fear You Have

You can become ever more confident when you overcome any fears you have. Research ways you can overcome any specific fear you might have.

  1. Travel as Far & As much As You Can

Travel as much and as far across the world as you can to gain an adventure of once in a lifetime. Traveling helps you learn new things, and cultures, meet new people and overall build a high than ever confidence.

  1. Become Minimalist

When you become minimalist, you can help make more time for the things that matter more in your life.  Learn ways to declutter and simplify your life to make overall life easy.

  1. Do Not get Bothered By Others as Much

Do not let others control your emotions, because, at times, they can. Make it your goal to become less bothered by what others say and spend more time in ways you can to become happier.

  1. Learn to do Something New

Learn something new you have always wanted to, like swimming or driving. It can be anything to add to your life skill.

  1. Learn About New Things

Learn about new things, like cars, laptops, or other objects, to help you repair them yourself and not have to pay for costly repairs.

  1. Write a Book

Why not write a book about something you are passionate about and let other people know or help with the same thing?

  1. Give a Speech

Maybe you have never given a speech in front of a massive crowd. Make it your goal to challenge yourself to give a speech in front of someone to boost your confidence.

  1. Love People More

People need love more than ever. Therefore, practice love and give it through your kindness and helpfulness.

How One Can Set Their Goals?

You can set your goals by following the seven tips recommended by Action for Happiness:

  1. Decide
  2. Note It Down
  3. Tell Someone
  4. Break Your Goals Down
  5. Plan Your Initial Step
  6. Keep going
  7. Celebrate


Have you heard of setting goals that are SMART goals? It is the best way to set your objectives. SMART is the acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

This is what each means with an example:

  • Specific Goal: I want to pass an English Test
  • Measurable Goal: Get an A on the English Test
  • Achievable Goal: Wanting to graduate with a 3.0 GPA
  • Relevant Goal: Getting a degree in the field you are interested in.
  • Time-bound: Wanting to graduate college in 4 years.

When you use this method to help you set goals, you get more clarity in the goals you wish to achieve and where you have to focus the most to achieve the goals you want.

How To Achieve Goals?

No matter how motivated you might be, at times, you have to stay committed to the goals you want to achieve.

A few ways to do this is by following the below tips.

  1. Monitor all Your Progress

A study by the American Psychological Association found that those people who monitor their progress as much as they can are more likely to achieve their goals successfully. The higher the chance of you achieving your goal when you record the progress or report it, the higher the success you have to achieve your goal.

  1. Share Your Objectives with Those with High Status

Research conducted by Ohio State University on goals discovered how people who share their progress with people who were of high status were more committed to their objectives. Moreover, they also found that they were greater at performance. So, why not find a successful mentor to help you with your progress?

  1. Believe In Yourself (You Can Do It)!

You have to believe in yourself to be an important part of achieving anything and everything you want in life. If you believe you cannot do something, then the fact is you won’t. There is a science that proves this.

Everyday Psych discussed a study in an article where students who learned that a growth mindset was important were able to increase their GPA. A growth mindset helps you to believe that practice and efforts help to develop and increase your overall progress.

Moreover, it is important one work as hard as one can pursue their dreams through every challenge and circumstance one might face.

My Personal Goal Journey

Truth be told, I have set many goals in my life. I have found out that the most success I achieved in achieving my goals was by writing them down and researching them.

For example, I had a goal to gain weight and build more muscle. I did my research on everything I could, from what food I should eat, how much of it I should eat to what exercising I have to do, and so on. It is the same thing with other objectives.

Learn as much as you can about the goals you want to achieve, and write down everything you learn and what steps you need to take daily.

So I wrote down my weight and how much I could or should lift and kept track of my progress to further motivate myself to make my dreams become a reality.

Goal Affirmations

  • I believe in myself, and I can achieve the goals I set.
  • I can accomplish any goal I have through persistence and invariant effort.
  • I choose to be fearless and bold in the high goals I set because I know I can achieve them.
  • I cannot wait to experience the joy that I would get with the goals I want to achieve.
  • I will write all my goals down and work on them every day.

Final Thoughts

Taking the steps you need to achieve your objectives in your life will not be easy or without any challenges. Therefore, you should not get surprised when you do face occasional setbacks.

Always remember your setbacks provide you with various things to learn and a way to overall better yourself. Continuously push towards what you want in your life and whatever your success might mean for you.

Do let me know about the goals you set yourself and how it is going for you.

Alissa Johnson
Alissa Johnsonhttps://shewritedaily.com
Alissa Johnson is a visionary and the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of SheWriteDaily, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to empowering women through the art of storytelling. With a profound passion for journalism and a keen eye for captivating narratives, Alissa has made it her mission to create a space where women can amplify their voices and share their unique stories.


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