HomeHome ImprovementThe Benefits of Professional Mold Testing: Ensuring a Healthy Living Environment

The Benefits of Professional Mold Testing: Ensuring a Healthy Living Environment

A healthy living environment involves a variety of elements. While many people focus on diet and exercise, their environment also plays a big part.

Mold testing is an essential step in creating a healthy home. While home tests are available, professional testing goes beyond the prominent problem areas to find hidden growth.

Preventive Measures

Molds are a standard part of the natural environment but must be kept in check indoors. They grow when water or moisture is present and are often the result of a leak in pipes, walls, or ceilings. Once mold grows, it can eat through many materials, including floorboards, carpeting, drywall, and wallpaper. If left unchecked, the problem can escalate to life-threatening health problems and severe structural damage.

Mold inspections can prevent or eliminate these problems by identifying and pinpointing the source of the mold. They also identify areas needing remission before mold grows and recommend avoiding future issues. Professional mold inspectors such as Pure Maintenance NV conduct surface and air sampling for a more thorough and accurate diagnosis than DIY test kits. They can even perform testing after a remediation job to ensure the area has been appropriately cleaned (post-remediation verification, or PRV). This will help you feel confident that you live in a healthy environment and avoid autoimmune symptoms that can trigger migraines, fatigue, skin rashes, breathing problems, and allergies.

Identifying the Source of the Mold Problem

If you notice any moldy odor, you should conduct an inspection to determine the source. A professional mold inspector can smell out hidden colonies of fungus. They can also check for conducive conditions in and around your house, such as a leaky roof or clogged gutters that prevent water drainage.

These inspections can involve air sampling, bulk sampling (removing contaminated material from a home), and staining or culture lab tests to identify the type of mold and its toxicity. The inspector can then recommend remediation procedures and preventive measures to prevent recurring problems.

Mold can cause serious health problems, especially in those who have respiratory issues or weakened immune systems. If your family members suffer from such symptoms, it’s a good idea to have a professional mold test done regularly. These tests can help you prevent the risk of infections caused by different types of fungus, including Aspergillus. This species is a severe cause of lung infection known as Aspergillosis.

Accurate Results

Professional mold testing methods offer more comprehensive information about the presence of hazardous species than DIY test kits. Depending on the type of sampling performed, results can help determine whether or not an allergist should be consulted and provide valuable information to companies performing remediation by identifying the species of mold present (known as post-remediation verification or PRV).

While home testing kits can identify the presence of mold, they cannot track down where the mold is growing. This is critical information because mold can grow behind walls, in ceilings, and under carpets. Home tests also don’t include a visual inspection, so they may miss the location of the mold and can only tell you that it is in your house, not what kind of mold it is.

Professionals use culture or DNA testing to identify the specific mold species. Both options are more expensive than a home test kit, but both can provide invaluable information to help you address the issue.

Peace of Mind

Professional mold testing provides more comprehensive information about the presence of potentially toxic molds than DIY test kits. It also allows for more accurate detection of problem areas in your home, such as those containing hard materials that are difficult to reach. Professionals also use advanced tools unavailable to DIYers, including moisture meters and humidity gauges.

Schedule a mold inspection immediately if you suffer from nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itchy skin, or asthma attacks. Inhaling mold spores can lead to severe health problems, especially in those with preexisting conditions. Mold spores can also spread throughout the home, increasing maintenance and cleaning costs. Professionals can identify the specific type of mold and its toxicity level and determine the growth rate. They can also recommend the appropriate remediation methods.


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