HomeHow to Get Clear Skin Overnight Naturally

How to Get Clear Skin Overnight Naturally

For many, the struggle of getting clear skin can be difficult. Moreover, a person has to look after their skin according to their skin type.

There are three skin types:

  1. Dry
  2. Oily
  3. Combination of both

People who suffer from acne or blemishes will have one of the three skin types.

Each skin type has various skincare tips, and there are also some general tips people can follow to ensure they can keep their skin clear. However, if you are uncertain about the skincare routine or products you should be using, you should consult a dermatologist.

Below are some general tips for each skin type to see and follow. Continue reading to find out more.

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12 General Skin Care Tips

Let us look at the general tips everyone should follow to get clear skin and keep it that way.

1. Wash Twice Everyday & Again When You Sweat

According to the American Academy of Dermatology recommendation, people should wash their face twice a day, and if they happen to sweat, they should wash again.  When someone leaves sweat on their skin, whether it’s their face or body, the sweat dries and creates or worsens their acne. Therefore, the best option is to wash your skin as fast as possible when you sweat.

2. Do Not Touch Your Face

We use our hands for many things and touch many things that are dirty, oily and have bacteria. When you touch your face continuously with your hands, you add the dirt from your hands to your face, causing bacteria to go onto your skin and cause breakouts.

3. Always Moisturize

Moisturizing is an important step in everyone’s daily routine. So, once you wash your face, use a moisturizer every day. Keeping your face moisturized can help you control sebum production and stop your skin from getting damaged by outside factors.

You have to choose the most effective moisturizer depending on your skin type. You can always ask a dermatologist about what moisturizer will work for you.

4. Always Put Sunscreen

One way people damage their skin without realizing it is through the ultraviolet (UV) from the sun. When you go outside, you should always wear sunscreen to help you keep your skin protected from harmful rays.

5. Try Using Natural Makeup Products

At times the main reason behind aggravated breakouts is because of makeup products. Therefore, you should move to natural makeup products or products created to let your pores breathe and help to reduce breakouts caused by unnatural makeup.

Most importantly, you should always remove makeup every night and clean your makeup tools and brushes regularly.

6. Use Gentle Cleaning Tools

There are many cleaning tools you can now get for your skin. One of the best methods is to remove dead skin cells through exfoliation. However, some cleaning devices can be too hard and harm your skin instead of helping it.  Your skin can get damaged and irritated when you use rough tools like washcloths, loofahs, or harsh sponges.

You can find more gentle alternatives like soft cleansing brushes, and obviously, you can always use your fingers o massage products to your face without irritating it.

7. Use Gentle products

People with sensitive skin understand they need to care for their skin with extra care, and they can usually do that by using gentle products. Why? It is because these gentle products can make your skin less irritated.

Products that normally have the following products can irritate sensitive skin:

  • Products that have an alcohol base
  • Toners
  • Exfoliants
  • Astringents

Believe it or not, most products have a gentle and hypoallergenic alternative you can always use. No matter what product you choose, you must test a small skin area to ensure it does not react to your skin.

8. Do Not Use Hot Water

Using extremely hot water to shower, bathe or wash your hands and face can damage and dry your skin. If you get dry skin after you bathe, you should try lukewarm water and see how it goes.

9. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can cause many issues, including with your skin. Every cell within your body needs water. Why? It is because the skin cells are close to the environment and have a higher risk of reducing the moisture of the cell elements. Drink water throughout the day to help ensure your skin cells are healthy.

See more: Get Rid of Dry Skin

10. Eat a Healthy Diet

Ensuring a healthy diet with rich nutrients helps your body and benefits your skin. Eating a diet rich in plant foods and lean protein helps you provide the nutrient that will source your skin needs to stay healthy.

If you want to ensure your skin is clear, you might have to cut out some food that can cause an issue, like dairy milk. The Clinical Nutrition review found a positive connection between milk and acne. Many think the connection is because of milk’s hormones and growth elements. Therefore, keep an eye out for which food affects your skin.

11. Make Lifestyle Changes

Our information on the link between lifestyle changes and healthy skin is unreliable. However, some do believe it can help one keep a balanced skin. Some of the lifestyle changes you should consider making include:

  • Sleeping every night for the full night.
  • Not smoking
  • Reducing or eliminating sugar
  • Not eating fried foods

12. Reduce Stress

The importance of minimizing stress whenever possible is undeniable. In the 2017 article, the authors noted that the most common inflammatory skin disorder is acne vulgaris.

Moreover, in this article, they also underlined the connection between stress and acne. Also, as stated, stress can increase inflammation throughout the body. If you happen to be angry or stressed emotionally, it can lead you to get acne and worsen your symptoms.

Therefore, you need to find a way to reduce stress to get clear skin. There are many stress management techniques, like:

  • Regular exercise
  • Massages or acupuncture
  • Focus on calming practices, like medication
  • Various movement activities, like yoga

Everyone has various ways to reduce stress. Therefore find the one that works best for you.

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Tips for Oily Skins

People with oily skin have a more chance of getting acne and breakouts. The sebum gets created by oily skin, causing oily skin to your skin. Let us look at some general oily skin tips.

1. Use a Cleanser Free From Oil

If you have oily skin, you should look for an oil-free and natural cleanser, as it will help with any breakdown by washing away extra sebum without adding more oil to your skin. You can look for a mild cleanser; many are specially created for oily skin.

2. Wash Your Hair Everyday

Mostly, people with oily skin may also have an oily scalp. Excessive oil from your scalp can make it to your face, causing a breakout. Therefore, wash your hair daily to control oil and reduce further breakouts.

3. Use a Toner

For oily skin, you should use a gentle toner to help you unclog pores, as oily skin can cause acne. You should use products with various ingredients, like salicylic acid or glycolic acid, to keep your skin’s pH balanced and your pores clean.

4. Always, Always Remember Sunscreen

Oily skin can react more to sunlight. Therefore, you must wear sunscreen during sunlight exposure to reduce any reaction. However, you have to use sunscreen with no oil or other ingredients that will cause your skin to get oilier and add more clogged pores.

5. Use Gentle Peels

Use a gentle peel to help remove oil from your skin, and it can get used in any area you want. It is the best way to remove oil, pores, and any other dirt causing problems with your skin. Choose a chemical peel that targets dead skin and dirt on your skin.

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Tips For Dry Skin

Dry skin reduces the skin’s vitality as it naturally produces less oil. Many people think dry skin does not cause acne, but that is not true. Let us look at some ways you can look after your dry skin.

1. Use Gentle Moisturizer Daily

The most important element for dry skin is moisture. However, finding a moisturizer that will not clog your pores and cause acne would be best. Moisturizing your skin will help enhance its natural barrier and promote water retention. You could also use natural oils that react well with your skin, like coconut, argan, or olive oil.

2. Use Humidifier

When you constantly stay in a room with an air conditioner (AC) running or a central heating unit, it removes moisture from the air and the skin.  If you have dry skin, you should limit how much you use heating or AC and use a humidifier to add moisture to benefit your skin overall.

3. Use Gentle Washes

You should find gentle wash products that will not strip away the tiny natural oils on your skin, especially if you have dry skin. The best thing would be to see a dermatologist and figure out a gentle and gentle cleanser for your skin.

4. Use Ointment or Cream Instead of a Lotion

Believe it or not, ointments and creams are more effective for dry skin than lotions. Lotions can irritate your skin. You should find a cream or ointment that includes one or more of the bellow ingredients:

  • Jojoba oil
  • Dimethicone
  • Glycerin
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Lanolin
  • Mineral oil
  • Petrolatum
  • Shea butter

5. Use Gentle, Fragrance-Free Products

Various skin care products, like deodorant soaps, can be harsh for dry skin. That is why dermatologists suggest such people use fragrance-free products.

You need to use products labeled “fragrance-free” because the products labeled “unscented” contain chemicals that hide the ingredient orders.  Such chemicals can irritate dry skin.

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Tips for Combination Skin

Many people have a combination skin type with patches on their face that are dry and oily, like the T-Zone, which is above the eyebrows and down the nose. Let us look at some tips for combination skin.

1. Think About Using Two Facial Cleansers

People with combination skin can find it hard to do facial cleansing. Some people with this skin type might react well to cleansers created for oily skin, and others might find that those cleansers can dry areas of the skin too much.

A medical spa that offers various services to help you look and feel your best. RenewMD Wellness offers traditional spa services, such as massages and facials, that will help you get clear skin overnight for any skin type.

You should find a general mild cleanser that will reduce oil on the oil areas and help balance skin dryness and oiliness.

2. Use Blotting Papers

You can also use blotting papers for oily areas to help balance the skin combination temporarily, making it easy to manage overall. It will help you prevent sebum overproduction that can cause acne breakouts in certain areas.

3. Use Noncomedogenic Products

It would be best to see whether the products you use are classified as irritants. After that, you have to check whether it will clog your pores. You should use non-comedogenic products not to aggravate your oily and acne-prone skin.

Tips for When You Have Acne

Do you happen to have acne-prone skin? Below are a few tips to keep your pimple or acne-prone skin fresh and balanced to ensure it does not worsen.

1. Do Not Pop Pimples

Pimples usually get caused when oil sebum or bacteria gets trapped in your skin. Moreover, it is a sign that the natural healing mechanism of your body is working properly.

However, when you pop the pimple, you come in the way of the whole healing process, and the liquid that will come out from it will affect the surrounding skin, increasing the formation of more pimples.

Moreover, a pimple you pop or mess with can cause permanent scarring. Therefore, never pop pimples; if they do happen to drain, always keep that area clean.

2. Use Topical/ Medicated Products

All skin types can get the help you need to control acne by using topical medications. Gentle, natural, or medicated products can help you manage your skin and any minor breakouts to help with acne, pimples, or breakouts.

There are many medicated products you can use. However, it will depend on your skin type and the acne is severity. Some of the various topical or medicated products have the following:

  • Benzoyl peroxide can be with or without other elements, like antibiotics.
  • Salicylic acid
  • Topical retinoids, like tretinoin
  • Dapsone
  • Azelaic acid

3. Exfoliate

Exfoliation helps to remove any excess dead skin cells, bacteria, or other dirt in your skin. If such elements stay on your skin long, they can clog your pores and cause acne.

So, how much should you exfoliate? The answer is it will depend on the exfoliation type you use. For example, you should use a chemical exfoliant, like a mask or a lotion, once or twice a week, and physical exfoliants like scrubs should get used three to four times a week. But remember not to over-exfoliate.

4. Use Makeup That Will Not Clog Your Pores

According to the Trusted Source study of 2013, people who use various makeup products will more likely have breakouts on their skin. If you want to ensure you have a makeup routine that is friendly to your skin, follow the below few steps:

  • Use “noncomedogenic” or “oil-free” labeled products
  • Ensure to wash your hand before you start to apply any makeup or product
  • Remember to remove makeup before you exercise or sleep
  • Wash makeup tools weekly

Use makeup based on your skin type. Also, try various ones to see which will suit you.


There are many, many techniques and methods you can use to get clear skin. However, the best one will depend on a person’s skin type. Each skin type has tips according to it. Follow the tips and see which one suits you the best.

Comment below any tip that works for your skin type that we missed.

Alissa Johnson
Alissa Johnsonhttps://shewritedaily.com
Alissa Johnson is a visionary and the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of SheWriteDaily, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to empowering women through the art of storytelling. With a profound passion for journalism and a keen eye for captivating narratives, Alissa has made it her mission to create a space where women can amplify their voices and share their unique stories.


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