HomeLifestyleFinding the Sparkle and Being the Best Version of You

Finding the Sparkle and Being the Best Version of You

I’ve been on a personal quest for the past two years to find inspiration and spark my creative juices to live a happier life and “Be the Best Version of You“. I spent a large portion of my life living up to the standards of others, trying to fit into the cracks that I felt needed filling.

I wasn’t aware of my self-worth and the plethora of gifts I had to offer. I hid my light away, afraid to be the quirky, unique person I wanted to love but couldn’t.

I tried to understand why I couldn’t embrace the quirks and unique qualities that made me “different” so I could celebrate them.

Here are some tips on finding your inner sparkle and why they need to be celebrated, not stifled.

5 Ways of Finding Your Inner Sparkle

1. Ask Yourself, “What do You Love?”

It’s a basic question, but one that we don’t give as much thought to as we should. If you’re anything like me, you didn’t think you deserved to be loved. Maybe you harbor guilt for something you’ve done; perhaps you have regrets. You may learn to appreciate and love yourself if you really accept who you are. Find out more about yourself and learn about the things that make you happy.

It was rediscovering my love of music, socializing with people who made me happy and appreciated my unique sense of humor, and learning new skills. It started there and blossomed into a journey to my soul. So far, the trip has been fantastic!

2. Take Any risks Without Fear

Within reason, folks. But lose the inhibitions, be a free spirit, and follow your heart. You know when things feel right and wrong. Listen to those voices inside your head. Your intuition can lead you down the most beautiful paths. I remember going through a phase where nothing felt normal; everything was turned upside down.

In that chaos, I understood who I was, making my following step clearer. Now I look forward to taking risks because I know that it can take me on an exciting journey. You learn to plan for the unexpected!

3. Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine. When was the last time you had a full-on belly laugh? Those laughs that make you cry. Those laughs make you feel more human than you’ve ever felt. We get addicted to a certain kind of sadness that keeps us from seeing the world in all that it is. It isn’t perfect, but it has a certain perfection in its imperfections.

Laugh at your mistakes, laugh at your rewards, laugh at yourself, and don’t be afraid to take yourself less seriously. Learn to let go of the past and fly!

4. Look for Magic

It’s out there. I’m not talking about magicians and potions; I’m talking about the everyday magic surrounding us. I started noticing coincidences and funny stories people told and connected me to them. Movies reminded me of people from my past, books that prepared me for people I’d meet months down the road. It’s what you make it, and you can find beauty in the abnormal.

Don’t let anyone dull the sparkle because these quirks make you the person you are. Follow the patterns, learn about the symbols, use burial urn, and see where they take you!

5. Take Time for Yourself

In a world where everyone’s trying to make you go faster, be quicker, and conform-conform-conform, you need to appreciate the person you are. You need to love yourself, enjoy the time you spend with yourself, and learn to be the kind of person you’d like to meet.

You’ll be surprised at the people who will come into your life, attracted to the best version of you that you can be. Like attracts like. Get to know yourself and love all the dark spaces, the rays of light, and everything in between. Your love for yourself will come off as the confident spark needed to attract the kinds of people you need in your life.

Creating a Morning Skincare Routine

Wake Up Earlier

  • Give yourself enough time in the morning to follow a skincare routine without feeling rushed.
  • Set your alarm clock for 30 minutes to an hour earlier than usual, gradually easing into the change.

Choose Products That Work for You

  • Consider your skin type and prioritize the steps that are most important to you.
  • Invest in quality cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and serums suitable for your skin’s needs.
  • Make sure to remove your makeup before starting your skincare routine.

Cleanse, Tone, and Moisturize

  • Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.
  • Use a toner to balance your skin’s pH levels and prepare it for the next steps.
  • Apply a moisturizer or serum to hydrate and nourish your skin, helping it retain moisture throughout the day.

Don’t Neglect Sunscreen

  • Protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun by applying sunscreen daily.
  • Even on cloudy days or when you’ll be indoors most of the time, sunscreen is essential.

Be Consistent

  • Consistency is key in maintaining a morning skincare routine.
  • Find a routine that works for you through trial and error, and stick to it.
  • Apply and remove products consistently and regularly to achieve desired results.

Essential Tips for an Effective Morning Skincare Routine:

  • Keep your routine simple and easy to follow.
  • Incorporate the skincare steps into your existing morning routine.
  • Focus on consistency rather than using a multitude of products.
  • Remember to always apply sunscreen as the last step in your morning skincare routine.
Alissa Johnson
Alissa Johnsonhttps://shewritedaily.com
Alissa Johnson is a visionary and the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of SheWriteDaily, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to empowering women through the art of storytelling. With a profound passion for journalism and a keen eye for captivating narratives, Alissa has made it her mission to create a space where women can amplify their voices and share their unique stories.


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